Monday, August 15, 2011

This year's Way Out West festival!

Or you have would have liked, anyway. It was this weekend and it was amazing! The Gods of Weather and Wind smiled upon us and the music was fantastic!

My favourites were The Avett Brothers (of course!), Robyn, Prince, the Jayhawks and Tiƫsto!

The Avett Brothers were the whole reason I was there, really, I wouldn't have gone this year if they hadn't been booked. Everything else was just a bonus.

But Prince was sooo great! He put on a simply amazing show and you could tell he'd been doing it for 30 odd years, it was just beautiful! And he looked so happy and didn't seem to want to stop and that kind of joy is so contagious. Lovely!

Looking forward to next year! =)

P.S. If any americans (or anyone else, for that matter) want an invitation to Spotify, just say the word. I've got invitations to spare and it's a great tool for finding new music! D.S.

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